If you’re like most in the country — or around the world — you probably have plenty of time at your hands due to social distancing. Depending on how long you’ve been quarantined, you might have run out of ideas for how to pass the time with things to do alone at home. Don’t worry! We brainstormed and came up with a few activities that you might have yet to try. Take a look at our list of things to do alone at home during social distancing and see if anything sounds appealing. Let us know how it went!
We know these are difficult times, but the following list is meant to be lighthearted in nature. If you don’t like our ideas, feel free to make fun of us.
Try a New Hobby
With this unpredictably vast amount of spare time at your disposal, now is better than ever to pick up a new hobby. Maybe it’s something that you’ve always wanted to try, like learning to play a new instrument or starting an herb garden. Or perhaps you want to start doing something a relative or friend has a knack for, such as trying your hand(s) at knitting. Whatever you would like to master, why not begin learning now? If nothing else, you’ll be able to show off something new when socializing restrictions are lifted.
Or Master an Old One

Because there are only so many things to distract yourself with during lockdown or quarantine, you might want to take another stab at a hobby you didn’t immediately fall in love with. Have you always wanted to refine a classic Julienne technique? Upgrade your coding skills? There are a variety of resources at your disposal to help you further improve a hobby if you already have basic skills. Even if money is tight or your stress levels are extraordinarily high, there’s plenty of time at your disposal. Spend it doing something you enjoy.
Learn Something New
Many experts believe that lifelong learning helps reduce or prevent the risk of developing dementia or otherwise declining cognitively. Because learning new information requires the brain to create new motor pathways to recall the data, it delays the more negative aspects of aging on the mind. The same is true for learning a new skill, exercising, or socializing. Since we can’t do that last one in the current climate, it’s best to stick to working out and learning. Take a book on the treadmill or listen to an audiobook on your morning jog. Staying mentally sharp now is sure to pay off in the long run.
There are even schools offering free or reduced online courses for all. Check out free course listings on Udemy and see what suits your fancy. If you want to learn a new language, download Duolingo to begin practicing the building blocks of your next language. Who knows, as you sift through things to do alone at home, you may even discover a new passion or cultivate enough skill to launch your dream career when all of this is said and done.
Get to Spring Cleaning

This suggestion isn’t as fun, but being trapped in a cluttered or dirty house makes shelter-in-place orders an unpleasant experience. In addition to reducing your likelihood of acquiring COVID-19, regularly cleaning your house or apartment can have a therapeutic effect. Plus, an organized living space has been shown to decrease stress levels for all. Get your spouse to help you deep-clean the kitchen. Send the kids outside to wash your car or the family pet (or both). Dust those hard-to-reach places so you can appreciate this expanse of time in a tidy abode. Review our recommendations for cleaning in the time of COVID-19 by taking another look at our 5 Facts about Coronavirus blog post.
Do Something Good
Another way to spend your time is by completing random acts of kindness or by volunteering if you’re able to do so. Mastered your croqueting or sewing skill? Put it to good use by creating and donating clothes at your local shelter. Want to get out of the house? Volunteer time at your local animal shelter by taking dogs for walks or cuddling cats. There are plenty of options for volunteering regardless of travel and work restrictions, so seek them out to find a new outlet for your creativity and philanthropy.
Welcome a New Member to the Family

It’s the perfect time to open your heart and home to a furry family member. If you’ve ever wanted to adopt a pet but never got around to it, why not now? It’s the perfect time to adopt a cat or dog since you’ll be able to soothe their anxieties about the new residence, train them effectively and even get to know their personalities and quirks. Adopting or fostering a pet is also an excellent way to feel less lonely if you live alone. Plus, if you already have a pet, being at home for the foreseeable future allows you to de-escalate any conflicts between them. And you’ll have plenty of time to show your children the best ways to treat their newest pet or how to treat animals in general. See who’s waiting to join your household at the Erie County SPCA.
Start a Journal
Years from now, our society will look back on this period through rose-tinted glasses. Don’t misremember the details of your pandemic fears. Instead, dedicate time and energy to journaling. If you’re worried that you don’t have enough to do that’s worth writing about, don’t stress. Merely recounting the details of your day is sufficient. Maybe you want to keep track of all the new activities you attempt as you try new things to do alone at home. At least if it makes for dull reading, you’ll be able to share how mind-numbing weeks and weeks of isolation were to your future family and friends.
We Hope You Enjoy These Things to Do Alone
We know that it’s not easy to stay at home for days and days on end, but the staff of the Law Office of Steve Boyd wants to thank you for doing your part to flatten the curve. If you would like to speak to us, please contact us today. We have retained every member of our team and are working 100% remotely for your safety.