Construction Accident

Construction accident


Construction workers in New York State are nearly four times more likely to die in an accident than in other jobs. Accidents at construction sites can be fatal or result in catastrophic, life-changing injuries. At Steve Boyd, PC, our skilled injury attorneys are dedicated to protecting workers injured as a result of a construction accident. If you’ve been injured and need a lawyer who understands the complex details of New York Labor Laws, we’ll come to you for a free consultation.

Our Process

When a construction accident harms you or a member of your family and results in injury or death, you’ll need a team of experienced attorneys to fight for your rights and secure full compensation for medical bills, loss of income, and pain and suffering. Attorney Steve Boyd has more than 20 years of experience helping construction injury clients in Buffalo, Rochester, and throughout New York State. Our diligent team can help cut through the legal red tape so you can focus on getting better.

Our legal team

  • Provides FREE case review
  • Locates & secures crucial evidence
  • Identifies & interviews key witnesses
  • Investigate & reconstruct accident scene
  • Creates a summary of current & future medical costs
  • Helps with coordinating your benefits
  • Travels to you & the accident site


$ Millions

secured for construction injury clients

Over 25 years

of experience fighting to protect injured workers

Common Causes of Construction Accidents


Injury or death can occur when a worker falls from a ladder, scaffold, or other height. A fall or trip can also occur at a low height. The leading cause of death in construction are falls from heights, and one of the leading causes of construction injuries are same-level trips or falls.

Electrical Hazards

Workers at risk of electrical hazards may suffer from burns, shock, electrocution, flashes or blasts, explosions, or fires. The construction industry accounts for the highest number of fatal electrical injuries.

Struck-By Hazards

A piece of moving equipment or a moving object, such as a falling tool, can cause serious or fatal injury to workers. These injuries are distinguished from “crushing” injuries by the force of impact from an object that causes forcible contact with a worker.

Caught-In or Between Hazards

If a construction worker gets caught in machinery, crushed between equipment or vehicles, killed by a building caving in, or suffers an injury caused by being crushed between objects, then the injury is considered Caught-In or Between Hazards.

New York Labor Laws for Protection of Construction Workers

Labor Law Section 200

Section 200 requires construction sites to provide reasonable protection to construction workers from worksite hazards. As a result, workers can hold other contractors and worksite owners responsible if an unsafe condition caused their injury.

Labor Law Section 240 (“Scaffold Law”)

Section 240 protects construction workers from falls from heights, falling objects, and other “gravity-related” injuries. It includes regulations for scaffolding and other equipment that workers must use on the job.

Labor Law Section 241(6)

Section 241(6) allows workers to sue contractors for violations of certain parts of the New York Industrial Code. It pertains to construction, demolition, and excavation work.

FAQs on Construction Accidents

How quickly should I speak to a lawyer after a construction accident?

If you or a family member was injured in or near a construction zone, or if you suffered a work-related accident on a construction site, you should speak with an accident attorney as soon as possible. Call us if you’ve been involved in a construction accident, and we’ll investigate your case and explain your rights

How much can I get from my construction accident case?
How much does it cost to hire a construction accident lawyer?

You don’t pay any legal fees until we win or settle your case. We review your construction injury case for free, and there is no deposit or advance fee required. When a settlement or verdict is reached, then our legal fee is calculated at a percentage (usually one-third) of the total amount awarded. This is called a contingent fee agreement, which is how most personal injury lawyers are paid. Call Steve Boyd, PC, for a free review of your case.

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