Rideshare Accident– Uber or Lyft

Rideshare Accident – Uber or Lyft

N.Y. State requires Uber and Lyft to have $1.25 million in coverage for injuries, deaths, or property damage.

Have you been in a rideshare accident – Uber or Lyft, as a passenger, driver, bicyclist, pedestrian, or in another car and need to file a claim? You may already have experienced how difficult it can be to get in touch with their customer service. Even email or social media channels can be unreliable. But don’t worry, our attorneys have the expertise to contact Uber and its drivers, so you don’t have to. Have you been in a car accident with an Uber or Lyft or while riding in one as a passenger and need to file a claim? It’s important to know that the rideshare company’s insurance provider has the financial resources to employ a team of investigators, experts, and other professionals to challenge your claim and protect their profits. Therefore, it is essential to have a representative on your side who is an experienced negotiator and an aggressive trial attorney. Our highly-trained team provides you with custom-tailored legal solutions to obtain the maximum award for their injuries.

Our Process

N.Y. State requires Uber and Lyft to have $1.25 million in coverage for injuries, deaths, or property damage, and that coverage also extends to situations where the other driver is underinsured. Additionally, the policy should offer personal injury protection, which applies regardless of who is at fault for your injuries.
If the accident happened while the rideshare driver was waiting for a ride request, the insurance must still cover $75,000 for an individual’s injuries or death, $150,000 for injuries or deaths of multiple people, and $25,000 for property damage, along with uninsured motorist coverage and personal injury protection.

Our legal team

  • Provides a free case review
  • Locates & preserves critical evidence
  • Recruit & employ top crash experts
  • Identifies & interviews key witnesses
  • Reconstructs the crash scene for the jury
  • Presents current medical expenses & projected future costs
  • Travels to you & the location of injured parties


$3.125 Million

secured for crash victim

$2 Million

recovered for a family in a high-speed collision

Protect Your Rights

If you have been the victim of an accident involving Uber or Lyft, reach out for a FREE consultation.

Common Injuries Eligible for Compensation


It’s common to suffer broken or fractured bones in high-impact motor vehicle accidents, such as broken legs, arms, or ribs.

Spinal Cord Injuries

When the spinal cord is compacted or stretched due to an impact, severe and permanent injuries can occur. In the gravest cases, the victim may suffer paralysis.

Brain Injuries

People inside the vehicle may hit their heads during a car accident and suffer traumatic brain injuries as a result. Concussions can cause acute pain, debilitating migraines, personality changes, and other symptoms.


Fires may occur in a rideshare crash, and severe burns can happen as a result. We seek fair compensation when someone else’s negligence leads to second and third-degree burns.

Common Recoverable Damages

Medical Expenses

Current and future medical expenses can stack up quickly after a ridesharing accident. You should not have to pay those bills if another party is responsible.

Loss of Income

Many serious injuries after vehicle collisions prevent people from returning to work right away. We will fight to have loss wages covered.

Pain & Suffering

Car crash accidents can cause lifelong injuries and sometimes death. Our legal team will work to make sure you’re properly compensated for any pain and suffering resulting from your rideshare accident.

Diminished Quality of Life

A chronic or permanent condition resulting from a rideshare accident can significantly reduce your quality of life. If this happens to you, our attorneys will fight to earn the compensation you deserve.

FAQs Rideshare – Uber or Lyft Accidents

How much is my rideshare accident case worth?

Every accident is different, and it takes an experienced attorney to know how to proceed with a claim for rideshare accident damages, which may include compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, and pain and suffering. Our free case evaluation can help determine the expected worth of your car accident case.

How much does it cost to hire a rideshare accident lawyer?

You don’t pay legal fees until we win or settle your case. We review your rideshare injury case for free; no deposit or advance fee is required. When a settlement or verdict is reached, our legal fee is calculated at a percentage (usually one-third) of the total amount awarded. This is called a contingent fee agreement, which is how most personal injury lawyers are paid. Reach out to us and get a free case review from our experienced legal team.

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