Wrongful Death

Wrongful Death

There are 170,000+ unintentional Injury deaths in the US yearly.

Attorney Steve Boyd has helped clients secure millions of dollars for wrongful death cases. When a careless or negligent action leads to the death of a family member, the executor or administrator of the estate may file a wrongful death claim with the help of an experienced personal injury attorney. The claim may include an economic claim for loss of earnings and loss of services in addition to a possible claim for conscious pain and suffering of the deceased just prior to death. Wrongful death cases are highly complex and can be lengthy, requiring the knowledge and skills of a qualified attorney. Our dedicated lawyers are ready to fight for your family.

Our Process

If a member of your family has suffered a fatality as a result of a careless or negligent action, you’ll need a team of resourceful attorneys to handle the lawsuit for surviving family members. Negligent death cases may be attributed to a variety of causes—from medical malpractice to motor vehicle accidents to dangerous medications and more. Attorney Steve Boyd has over 20 years of experience providing compassionate and knowledgeable legal expertise for wrongful death cases.

Our legal team will:

  • Provide a free case review
  • Identify & secure critical evidence
  • Recruit economic experts to provide financial analysis
  • Locate & interview key witnesses
  • Create an overview of financial impact & “loss of services”
  • Travel to your location


$2.125 Million

secured for the Estate of Jane Doe

Ove20+ Years

fighting for families in wrongful death cases

Wrongful Death Claims in New York State

The New York Estates, Powers and Trust Laws (EPTL) gives the appointed legal representative of the estate the power to bring a lawsuit. In the event of a negligent death, the spouse, biological or adopted children, parents, or dependent blood relatives may have legal rights. It’s critically important to have an experienced New York State wrongful death attorney because:

Types of claims are limited

Wrongful death lawsuits are limited to financial losses (including “loss of services”) & survivorship (the decedent’s conscious pain and suffering prior to death).

Time to file a claim is limited

For an economic claim, the time to file is limited to within two years of the death. For conscious pain and suffering of the decedent, the time to file a claim is limited to within three years of the accident or time they were injured.

Proof of monetary loss is required

At Steve Boyd, PC, we partner with economic experts to provide financial analysis of the case and  determine the financial losses suffered by the family in a wrongful death case, which may include loss of income, loss of services, and loss of parental guidance.

Common Causes of Wrongful Death

Motor Vehicle Accidents

The most common cause of wrongful death cases in the country are motor vehicle accidents. If a wrongful death is the result of someone else’s negligent behavior in a truck accidentcar accidentdrunk driving accidentmotorcycle accidentrideshare accident, or pedestrian or bicycle accident, then it will take a qualified attorney to file a claim and get results.

Construction Injuries

One in five worker deaths is caused by construction accidents, and the construction industry has the highest number of electrocution deaths in the U.S. If your family member has died on or near a construction site due to the negligence of another person or business entity, contact Steve Boyd, PC, for a free case review.

Dangerous Medications or Products

Cancer-causing products—such as talc, asbestos, and glyphosate-based weed killer—or dangerous drugs or medications may sometimes be the cause of a wrongful death. If your family member has died because the negligence of another party exposed the deceased to these products, call Steve Boyd, PC.

Medical Malpractice

Each year, 195,000 patients die in hospitals because of mistakes that are preventable. When a wrongful death directly results from medical malpractice, it’s critical to turn to a qualified wrongful death lawyer to navigate the legal complexities of the case.

FAQs on Wrongful Death Cases

How quickly should I speak to a lawyer after a wrongful death accident?

You should speak with a lawyer quickly if a family member has died due to someone else’s negligence. The process can be complicated, and there are time limits to filing a claim. You’ll want a qualified attorney on your side as soon as possible to navigate New York State’s wrongful death case laws. Call us if you need representation.

How much is my wrongful death case worth?

Every wrongful death case is different, and New York State law has limits to the types of claims that can be filed. It takes an experienced attorney to know how to proceed with a claim for damages, which may include compensation for loss of income, loss of services, funeral expenses, and loss of parental guidance . Our free case evaluation can help determine the expected worth of your wrongful death case.

How much does it cost to hire a wrongful death lawyer?

You don’t pay any legal fees until we win or settle your wrongful death case. We review your case for free, and there is no deposit or advance fee required. When a settlement or verdict is reached, then our legal fee is calculated at a percentage (usually one-third) of the total amount awarded. This is called a contingent fee agreement, which is how most personal injury lawyers are paid. Call our experienced legal team for a free case review.

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