Bicycle Accident

Bicycle Accident

Common Bicycle Accident Injuries

Turning Vehicles

Drivers who are not attentive may fail to notice bicyclists on the road. Vehicles turning right or left often turn directly into or in front of bicyclists, resulting in serious accidents.

Stop Signs

At intersections, drivers with stop signs often fail to yield to bicyclists with the right of way.

Rear-End Collisions

Even a minor collision from the back can make a cyclist lose control, leading to severe injuries.

Spinal Cord Injuries

If your spinal cord is compressed or stretched due to an impact, it can lead to severe and permanent injuries. These injuries may cause the loss of sensation and movement in certain parts of your body, and in the most serious cases, paralysis can occur. Remember, some injuries may not be immediately apparent, and having a medical record will be beneficial if any issues arise later.

Brain Injuries

Although bicyclists wear helmets, they may still sustain traumatic brain injuries during an accident, resulting in symptoms such as migraines, personality changes, and acute pain.


Due to the vulnerability of bicyclists to cars, accidents can result in life-changing injuries and extensive pain. In some cases, amputation of the injured body part may be necessary.


Bicyclists are highly vulnerable in crashes and often suffer broken bones such as legs, arms, or ribs.

Our Process

If you or a loved one has been involved in a bicycle accident, it is crucial to have a team of skilled attorneys who will fight for your rights and make sure you receive full compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, and physical and emotional suffering. Steve Boyd is a highly experienced personal injury attorney who has been representing clients for over 20 years.

Who will pay my bills

Our legal team

  • Provides a free case review
  • Locates & secures crucial evidence
  • Recruits & utilizes top crash experts
  • Identifies & interviews key witnesses
  • Reconstructs crash scene for jury
  • Creates a summary of current & future medical costs
  • Travel to you & other injured parties


$ Millions

recovered for injured bicyclists

Over 25 years

of experience with bicycle accident cases


FAQs on Bicycle Accidents

How quickly should I speak to a lawyer after a bicycle accident?

You should speak with a lawyer as soon as you can after a bicycle accident. In an accident with a car, no-fault car insurance pays the medical bills and lost wages, and there’s a deadline to file for no-fault benefits. Call us if you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident and want to learn your rights.

How much can I get from my bicycle accident case?

Every bicycle accident is different, as are the injuries and damages resulting from collisions. There’s no hard-and-fast rule to determine the monetary worth of each case. Compensation for a bicycle accident can include recovery for medical bills, income loss, and pain and suffering. Our free case evaluations can help determine the expected worth of your bicycle accident case.

How much does it cost to hire a bicycle accident lawyer?

You don’t pay any legal fees until we win or settle your bicycle injury case. We review your case for free, and there is no deposit or advance fee required. When a settlement or verdict is reached, then our legal fee is calculated at a percentage (usually one-third) of the total amount awarded. This is called a contingent fee agreement, which is how most personal injury lawyers are paid. Reach out to our team for a free case review.

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