Who Will Pay My Bills

Who will pay my bills after a car accident?

When bills pile up after an accident or injury, it’s difficult to know who’s responsible for paying them. Call Steve Boyd, PC, for a FREE consultation.

We help you understand your rights.

If you’ve been injured in an car accident, you may be wondering who will cover your bills. At Steve Boyd, PC, we offer a free consultation to provide you with expert advice on which expenses your insurance will cover. In a No-Fault state like New York, your vehicle’s insurance will cover your basic economic losses (up to $50,000) after a car accident. However, it’s important to act quickly as you only have 30 days from the date of the accident to file your application. That’s why we urge you to contact us as soon as possible. Our team is here to help you through this difficult time.

We stand up against big insurance companies.

Serious Injury

In New York State, you can only recover losses for pain and suffering from an auto accident if the injury is classified as serious. Examples include:

  1. Death
  2. Dismemberment
  3. Significant disfigurement
  4. Fracture
  5. Loss of a fetus
  6. Permanent loss of use of a body organ, member, function, or system
  7. Permanent limitation of use of a body organ or member
  8. Significant limitation of use of a body function or system
  9. Injury that prevents you from performing your usual activities for 90 of the first 180 days following a crash

Who Will Pay

Lost Wages

If you’re unable to work because of an injury suffered in an auto accident, your car insurance will cover 80 percent of your lost wages (up to $2,000/month). Our team works hard to coordinate with doctors, employers, and insurance adjusters to get payments distributed as soon as possible, and we do not charge for this necessary service.

Medical Bills

In New York State, no matter who caused the auto accident, your medical bills are paid for by the car insurance of the car you were in. Your health insurance company won’t pay for treatment of injuries caused in a car accident. If you need help applying for no-fault benefits, our experienced staff will be glad to help you, and we do not charge for this service.

Incidental Expenses

If you have out-of-pocket expenses resulting from injuries in an auto accident, you may be entitled to up to $25 per day for costs such as transportation services, personal assistance, cleaning, lawn mowing, or snow removal. You may also recover mileage costs for driving to and from medical appointments. Save all of your receipts in order to claim incidental or mileage losses.

Bodily Injury Coverage

Bodily injury coverage protects you in a personal injury lawsuit if you seriously injure someone with your vehicle. It protects you (and anyone driving your car with your permission) if a car accident injury claim is made against you by another person.

All motor vehicles in New York State are required to carry this insurance. In addition, your insurance company must provide you with a legal defense against such claims without reducing your policy’s liability limits.

If you suffer a personal injury or are injured in an auto accident due to someone else’s negligence, you may be able to make a claim against that other person’s auto insurance policy for bodily injury and property damage liability without any court action. An insurance company often pays out to injured people without ever filing a lawsuit.

Our experienced lawyers are here to help you understand and navigate any bodily injury coverage issues after an accident. Reach out today to schedule a free consultation.

Uninsured or Underinsured

Who will pay your bills if you were injured in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver? The experienced auto accident lawyers at Steve Boyd, PC, can help you explore your options.

  • You can sometimes make a claim against your own car insurance company under coverage called “Un insurance” (UM) or “Supplemental Under-Insurance” (SUM).
  • This coverage also protects injured people in your household if they were a pedestrian hit by an uninsured or underinsured car.
  • It also provides protection when hit-and-run drivers cause injuries.

We strongly recommend purchasing an inexpensive Supplementary Underinsured Motorist (SUM) coverage to provide protection from the majority of drivers who fail to insure their vehicles properly. Consult your insurance agent for rates.

Over 25 Years Experience

Our team is proud to stand with people during some of the hardest times of their lives. We work hard to ensure that insurance companies and defense attorneys hear their stories. We get results.

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