Truck Accident

Truck Accident

130,000 injuries are sustained in Commercial truck accidents Every year.

A Truck accident can be complicated and may involve multiple potential causes and liable parties. When a truck suddenly moves into your lane, determining the cause requires a careful examination: Was the driver fatigued due to extended shifts or impaired by legal or illegal substances? Was there a problem with the vehicle’s steering mechanisms, a manufacturing defect, or inadequate maintenance procedures? It is essential to decipher these variables, as well as assess any resulting damages, such as projected medical expenses and loss of income. That’s where a skilled truck accident lawyer comes in. Without legal representation, it’s a struggle to navigate the complex legal system, fully understand the extent of their damages, or negotiate effectively. A proficient attorney provides clarity, guiding clients through the intricacies of the case and ensuring comprehensive compensation.

Our Process

When you or a family member is injured in an accident involving a commercial truck, it’s crucial to have a team of seasoned accident attorneys to navigate the complexities of the case. Our experienced legal team works hard to ensure you get full compensation for medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering.

Our legal team

  • Provides a free case review
  • Locates & secures crucial evidence
  • Recruits & utilizes top car crash experts
  • Identify & interview key witnesses
  • Reconstructs the crash scene for the jury
  • Creates a summary of medical costs, both current & future
  • Guides you through the complex insurance requirements & forms
  • Travels to you & other injured parties



secured for truck accident victim

25+ years

of experience investigating & litigating truck accidents

Truck Accident—Who’s at Fault?

The Commercial Truck Driver

Truck drivers can be held responsible if the accident was caused by driver error, intoxication, distracted driving, or by violating the law and driving too many hours.

The Driver’s Employer

The driver’s employer could be liable if the accident were caused by overscheduling or failing to train the driver correctly.

The Tractor & Trailer Owner

If a failure to properly inspect and maintain a tractor-trailer leads to an accident, the owner of the tractor or trailer could be held liable.

Truck Accident Common Injuries Eligible for Compensation


It’s common to suffer broken or fractured bones because tractor-trailer crashes are almost always high-impact crashes. A victim may break legs, arms, or ribs in a collision.

Spinal Cord Injuries

When the spinal cord is compacted or stretched due to an impact, severe and permanent injuries can occur. Some people lose sensation and movement in parts of their bodies after a spinal cord injury. In the gravest cases, the victim may suffer paralysis.

Brain Injuries

People inside the vehicle may hit their heads during a truck wreck and suffer traumatic brain injuries as a result. Concussions can cause acute pain, debilitating migraines, personality changes, and other symptoms.


Fires often occur in high-impact collisions, and severe burns are a common injury in truck accidents. We seek fair compensation when someone else’s negligence leads to severe burns, including second and third-degree burns.

FAQs Truck Accident

How quickly should I speak to an attorney after a truck accident?

You should speak with a top-rated accident lawyer right away. Truck accident cases are much more complicated than other traffic accident cases. Insurance companies and trucking companies retain teams of attorneys and investigators to begin their defense within hours of any crash. You’ll want a qualified lawyer on your side as soon as possible. Contact us for a free consultation.

How much is my truck accident case worth?

Every semi accident is different, and because they’re so complex, it takes an experienced commercial truck accident attorney to know how to investigate the accident and secure compensation for damages, which may include current and future medical expenses, loss of income, and pain and suffering. Our free case evaluation can help determine the expected worth of your case.

How much does it cost to hire a truck accident lawyer?

You don’t pay legal fees until we win or settle your case. We review your case for free, and no deposit or advance fee is required. When a settlement or verdict is reached, our legal fee is calculated at a percentage (usually one-third) of the total amount awarded. This is a contingent fee agreement, which is how most personal injury lawyers are paid. Call us for a free review of your truck accident injury case.

What does a truck accident lawyer do?

If you’re involved in a truck accident, a truck accident lawyer can help you throughout the settlement or trial process. They will investigate and determine who is responsible for the accident, gather evidence, and interview witnesses. Once they have enough information, they will negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. If the negotiation is unsuccessful, they will take the case to court and represent you in the trial.

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