All Buffalo personal injury lawyers deal with the issue of negligence every day. However, because very few cases involve intentionally caused injuries, often personal injury attorneys have to prove that negligence caused the injury. Legally, a person is considered negligent if their actions fall below what is expected of a reasonably prudent person under the same circumstances.
A personal injury lawyer generally must establish two things to prove someone was legally negligent. First, they must prove that the party being blamed for the injury had an obligation to act responsibly. For example, if no one is responsible for removing an accident-causing hazard, they cannot be found legally liable for an injury. Second, the attorney must prove the accountable person did not fulfill their duty and failed to act reasonably.
Once negligence is proven, a personal injury attorney must also prove that the failure to act reasonably prudent is what caused the injury. If someone failed to act prudently but that failure was not the cause of the accident, the injured party is not entitled to compensation from that person.
If you have suffered an injury that you believe is caused by someone else’s negligence, please call us at 716-600-0000. Our experienced personal injury lawyers are happy to answer your questions.
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